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The Rules.



The idea of the game is to defeat the enemy and hence stop them from completing their mission. Achieving this depends on whether you are the defending or attacking team.


The attacking team's aim is to capture and destroy six pairs of M-Com bases, each time losing less than 75 soldiers, until all M-Com bases have been destroyed.  Whilst the defending team must kill 75 soldiers whilst repelling attack on any of the six pairs of M-Com bases.


Defending tokens start the game from "Spawn Point #5" until all defending players are active.  Move the tokens around the board according to the throw of the dice.  When a player uses up the number thrown on the two die the space their token lands on is their new position on the battlefield.

Whilst the attacking team start from "Spawn Point #1" until all attacking players are active.  If they land on a building or a stationary weapon then the soldier's team owns it until a time when an opponent lands on or destroys it. The game is one of shrewd, amusing strategy and excitement.





1 x PLAYING BOARD: Build your own map or Square playing board (yet to be decided)

1 x KILL COUNTER: Measures kills against the attacking team


36 x DICE: 12 x Blue, 12 x Red (2 per player depending on which team they are playing for), 12 White "Combat" (1 per player)

48 x SOLDIER TOKENS: (24 per team), 26 x VEHICLE TOKENS (13 per team) and 4 x WEAPON TOKENS (2 per team) and are divided into two teams thus:

RED ARMY: Soldiers:  6 x Assault (Red), 6 x Engineer (Red), 6 x Medic (Red), 6 x Recon (Red);

                     Vehicles:  4 x Helicopters (2 Attack, 2 Transport), 3 x Planes (2 Fighters, 1 Bomber), 1 x Main Battle Tank, 1 x Armoured

                                       Personnel Carrier, 1 x Infantry Fighting Vehicle, 1 x Amphibious Personnel Carrier, 1 x Light Utility Vehicle, 1

                                       x Desert Patrol Vehicle;

                     Weapons:  1 x Unmanned Air Vehicle [UAV], 1 x Artillery Gun

BLUE ARMY: Soldiers:  6 x Assault (Blue), 6 x Engineer (Blue), 6 x Medic (Blue), 6 x Recon (Blue);

                       Vehicles:  4 x Helicopters (2 Attack, 2 Transport), 3 x Planes (2 Fighters, 1 Bomber), 1 x Main Battle Tank, 1 x

                                        Armoured Personnel Carrier, 1 x Infantry Fighting Vehicle, 1 x Amphibious Personnel Carrier, 1 x Light

                                        Utility Vehicle, 1 Desert Patrol Vehicle.

                     Weapons:  1 x Unmanned Air Vehicle [UAV], 1 x Artillery Gun

31 CARD PACK (15 Weapons cards, 16 Ammunition & Medical Supplies cards)




Place the board on a good-sized table, putting the Ammunition & Medical cards and Weapons cards face down, stacked separately in the middle of the board.  All players are provided with one soldier token of their choosing (i.e. Assault, Engineer, Medic, Recon) in their team's 'colours' which they use on their travels around the board, 2 die also in their team's 'colours' and a white Combat dice.






The Defender whose Christian name comes first alphabetically (aka 'D1'), starts the play.  They place their token on the square marked 'SPAWN POINT 5', throws both their dice and moves their token anti-clockwise the number of spaces indicated by one of the dice, followed by the other.  Moving their piece thus allows them to attack an opponent and then move on to attack another in the same move.


If a player throws a double they move their token as usual, firstly to the number indicated by one of the dice, followed by the other.  The final resting place is theirs to occupy.


Retaining the dice, they throw again and move their token as before, and again, the final resting place is theirs to occupy.  If however they throw three doubles in succession, they do not move their token on their third throw.  Instead they commit suicide and their turn ends immediately.


After they have completed their turn, the token remains on the space occupied and they will proceed from that point on the player's next turn.  Play then passes to the attacking team whose Christian name comes first alphabetically (aka 'A1') and play alternates between teams throughout the game (D1, A1, D2, A2, D3, A3, etc...)






One or more soldier tokens of the same team may rest on the same space at the same time.  But should opposing players rest on the same square, the active player whose turn it was, is deemed to be attacking the enemy currently occupying that square.


If there are more than one enemy on the square, the active player and the enemy players roll their white Combat dice.  Whomever rolls a '+' (plus sign) survives and continues to 'occupy' that square (as long as the enemy dies.  If neither die they rolll again until one or more soldiers from one team remains), whomever rolls a '-' (minus sign) are killed and lay flat unless revived by their Medic - if they have one -  (see Reviving an injured soldier) or a "Medical Revival card" is played (returning it to the bottom of the Ammo & Medic card pack) whereupon a new duel using the Combat dice takes place.  Killed players in turn restart from any one of the Spawn Points.


If none of the players roll a '+' (plus sign) then they are both deemed to have been killed and both await medical attention (if available).  If not, killed players in turn restart from any one of the Spawn Points.






If a soldier has been killed, they can be revived if the team has a Medic.  This can be achieved by rolling both their dice in an attempt to throw a 'one'.


A failed attempt means the killed soldier dies and must wait until their turn to re-spawn at any of the spawn points.






If a soldier's token rests on the same space as an opponent's vehicle - whether it is a land or air vehicle, they cannot attack it (unless they are either an Engineer [attacking Land or Air vehicles] or a Recon [attacking Land vehicles only]) and as a result of this they are deemed to have committed suicide and their token is laid on it's side unless:


1.  They are revived by their Medic - if they have one - (see Reviving an injured soldier),

2.  A "Medical Revival card" is played (returning it to the bottom of the Ammo & Medic card pack), or

3.  It is their next turn, whereupon they restart from any one of the Spawn Points.


If however they are an Engineer or a Recon, they can attack the vehicle.  Both the Engineer and the enemy vehicle roll their white Combat dice until one (or none) of them survive.


It is possible for the play to continue beyond this if the Engineer's team has a Medic available to revive them (see Reviving an injured soldier) and the enemy vehicle can be repaired if their team has an Engineer available (see Repairing a damaged vehicle).


If both players are restored then a repeat of the Combat dice is needed until one or both die and cannot be revived.






If a vehicle has been severely damaged, it can be repaired if the team has an active Engineer. This can be achieved by throwing both their dice in an attempt to roll a 'one'.


A failed attempt means the damaged vehicle is completely destroyed and returned to the box. The player reverts back to a soldier and must wait until their next turn to re-spawn at any of the Spawn Points.






A player takes the top card from the pack indicated and after following the instructions printed thereon, returns the card face-down to the bottom of the pack. The "Medical Revival card", however, is retained until needed. Once used it is returned to the bottom of the pack.






On Foot:


(a)  If the attacking soldier lands on an occupied M-Com base as a result of their turn, they are deemed to be attacking the

       defender(s) before attacking the M-Com with C4 explosives.  Both forces must roll their white Combat dice until one or

       neither survive. If the attacker survives, the defending team together have 30 seconds to roll a double or the M-Com base is

       destroyed (see Defending M-Com bases)


(b)  If the attacking soldier lands on an unoccupied M-Com base as a result of their turn, they are deemed to be arming the M-

       Com with C4 explosives.  The defending team together have 30 seconds to roll a double or the M-Com base is destroyed (see

       Defending M-Com bases)


In a Vehicle:


(a)  If an attacking vehicle lands on a M-Com base occupied by a defending Engineer(s) as a result of their turn, they are deemed

       to be attacking the defender(s) before attacking the M-Com with the vehicles powerful armoury.  Both forces must roll their

       white Combat dice until one or neither survive.  If the attacker survives he must roll a six to instantly destroy the M-Com.  If

       they fail, the defending team together have 30 seconds to roll a double or the M-Com base is destroyed (see Defending M-

       Com bases)


(b)  If an attacking vehicle lands on an unoccupied M-Com base as a result of their turn, they are deemed to be attacking the M-

       Com with the vehicles powerful armoury.  The attacker must roll a six to instantly destroy the M-Com.  If they fail, the

       defending team together have 30 seconds to roll a double or the M-Com base is destroyed (see Defending M-Com bases)






If two opposing players occupy the M-Com then a Combat has to be fought until one or neither survive and cannot be revived.

If the attacking player is still alive then they proceed to attack the M-Com.


A vehicle can try to instantly destroy the base with it's heavy armoury.  In order to succeed they must try to roll a six with one of their dice. If they fail the occupant temporarily vacates the vehicle.  At this point he becomes a foot soldier.


Foot soldiers attempt to destroy the M-Com by arming it with C4 charges. The defending team together have 30 seconds to roll a double or the M-Com base is destroyed.


The foot soldier continues around the board whilst those who vacated their vehicle climb back into it and continue around the board.






The Artillery Gun can be used by either team - by attackers in regular play and by defenders who overcome the gunner and fire towards advancing attacking forces.


In order to use the Artillery Gun, the soldier must be on the same square as the gun before or directly after their move.

When landing on the Gun's square a soldier can either:


(1) stay and use the Gun until they decide to vacate it, or it is destroyed by an enemy landing on the square, or

(2) bypass the Gun and continue their move around the board.


Should they decide to use it, the soldier remains on the square but rolls the dice as if they are moving.  The number they roll determines where the artillery shells land.  Hit or miss, the player's turn ends after the Gun is 'fired'.






The Unmanned Air Vehicle (or UAV) can be used by either team - by attackers in regular play (when a UAV card is drawn after picking up from the Vehicles and Weapons pile) or by defenders who overcome the UAV panel operator by landing on it's square.


In order to use The UAV, the soldier must be on the same square as the UAV panel before or directly after their move.

When landing on the UAV panel's square a soldier can either:


(1) stay and use the UAV panel until they decide to vacate it, are killed by an enemy landing on the UAV panel square or an enemy lands on the square shared by the UAV, or

(2) bypass the UAV panel and continue their move around the board.


Should they decide to use it, the soldier remains on the square but rolls the dice as if they are moving. The number they roll determines the UAV's new location. Hit or miss, the player's turn ends after the UAV has 'fired'.






For the purpose of this game a vehicle can only carry a pilot/driver plus one passenger.


In order to enter a vehicle, the pilot/driver or passenger must be on the same square as the vehicle before or directly after their move.  Once on board, a passenger's direct involvement is limited.


On the passenger's turn, they are not permitted to move the vehicle.  However, they can still kill an enemy.  This is achieved whilst they are in a moving vehicle, it lands on a square occupied by an enemy whereupon the pilot, passenger and enemy rolls a Combat die - and the passenger is the only one to roll a '+' (plus sign)  whereupon he is deemed to have killed the enemy (NB: even though the enemy has died, he has successfully killed the pilot/driver and the passenger must take the controls until their next turn).  Passengers can also benefit from Passenger Kill Assists if the pilot/driver rolls a '+' (plus sign) during a Combat sequence.


This continues until (a) the passenger jumps out, (b) the pilot/driver jumps out (whereupon the passenger takes over the controls until their next turn when they too can leave the vehicle), or (c) the vehicle is destroyed.






The Helicopter, as well as being a powerful weapon against most land and air targets, is a very quick means to move your troops from A to B.  There's no better example of this than in 'Heroes of the Battlefield' where instead of moving the numbers rolled on the dice, both it (and the Plane) move DOUBLE.


On the down side, the armoury of aircraft loses a little accuracy.  To reflect this, once the Helicopter or Plane has made its first and second move it does not injure or damage the enemy but continues around the board to its new destination.






The Recon can, alongside the Engineer, attack ground-based vehicles and buildings.  However, their special trait is the long-range kill.  Unlike the other soldiers who rely on landing on the square of an opponent with the total sum of either dice, Recons can attack their opponents who are much further away.  Let me give you an example...


The next opponent is twelve squares away.  The Recon rolls a total sum of nine with both dice ('5' and '4').  Normally if an attack was to take place, it would only occur on the fourth, fifth or ninth square of the move.


But the Recon can move their soldier an additional number of up to, but not exceeding, the sum of the lowest scoring dice - which in this case gives them a bonus of a further four spaces.  So instead of four, five or nine moves, the Recon is able to move a maximum of thirteen squares.  As the opponent is only twelve spaces away, the Recon can end their move on the twelfth square and this is now the Recon's new location.  The Recon is the only soldier able to end their move without using the full sum of the two dice.  The Recon and enemy soldier(s) now roll a Combat die.


If the Recon rolls a '+' (plus sign) and the enemy rolls a '-' (minus sign) their attack is successful, the enemy is killed and is inactive unless revived by their Medic - if they have one - (see Reviving an injured soldier), a "Medical Revival card" is played (returning it to the bottom of the Ammo & Medic card pile) or a round of turns has been completed, whereupon the player restarts from any one of the Spawn Points.  If the enemy is the only one to roll a '+' (plus sign), the attack fails and the enemy survives.


If both roll a '-' (minus sign) then both are killed unless revived.






As the battle rages on, each piece of action earns players game points.


At the end of the game, whatever the outcome, all players must add up the points they have accumulated during the game - all the players from the victorious team add a further 200 points to their individual points tally. The game's highest scoring player earns the 'Ace Pin' and adds a further 200 points to their score.


If you are running a Career Mode, each player's final points tally is recorded and carried forward till the next time.

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                                                                                                                                        Web design by Del (UK)

                                                                                                                                           Photos by Martin Underwood


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